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CalBike’s blog — sharing the biking news you need to know

Six Things to Prepare for a Bike-Friendly 2018, #5: Harness the Power of the Ballot

Every single U.S. Congressional Representative, every single California State Assemblymember, and one half of the California State Senate face re-election this November. Some of them craft policies that help protect you and your family when you choose to get on a bike to ride around your community—and some of them support and are well financed […]

Six Things to Prepare for a Bike-Friendly 2018, #4: Show Your Local Advocacy Organization Some Love.

Most of the decisions about whether your street is going to be safe for biking are made at the local level, by city councils or County Boards or regional agencies. They are fights over real estate on the street. State policy matters—we work hard for policies that make it easier for locals to win those street […]

Six Things to Prepare for a Bike-Friendly 2018, #3: Take Control of Your Streets.

We’re not going to transform California into a bike-friendly paradise by the end of 2018, but at least we should be moving in the right direction every time we repave or rebuild a street. However, that’s too often not the case when Caltrans is in charge of the project. Our proposed complete streets policy would […]

complete streets veto

Six Things to Prepare for a Bike-Friendly 2018, #2: Be a Volunteer Activist

Changing the world takes action on all levels. We need the professional, focused advocacy that CalBike delivers—and we also need volunteer effort, and lots of it. In fact, CalBike at its best works to coordinate and amplify the passion and energy of thousands of volunteer activists for transportation justice, without whom we simply could not […]

House party

Six Things to Prepare for a Successful 2018

This month CalBike is publishing six articles to help you bring more joy into your life in 2018. Each post will bring a new suggestion for supporting our movement to make our communities more equitable, inclusive and prosperous where bicycling enables more people to live joyful and healthy lives. Today we emphasize the deepest aspect […]

Creating Space: Notes from the first of our BIPOC Mobility Justice Labs

On Saturday, January 20th, CalBike co-organized a gathering of Los Angeles area community organizations and individuals to provide the opportunity and space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to collaborate on local and state transportation justice issues. Co-sponsored by PolicyLink, California Walks, and Multicultural Communities for Mobility (MCM), the meeting recognized the historic and […]

SB 127 Streets Complete Streets

Jan 2018 Legislative Update

Complete Streets for Another Day Sometimes, even your best effort to dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s can get thwarted by a more influential force. At the first Senate Transportation and Housing Committee hearing of the new year held on Tuesday January 9th, SB 760 became the first casualty of the state […]

environmental impact analysis

Governor’s 2018-19 Budget Proposal Delivers Over $20 billion for Transportation, Disappoints On Equity and Sustainability Goals

Sacramento, CA — This week, Governor Brown released his 2018-19 State Budget proposal, which Brian Kelly, the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), has described as “the SB 1 budget.” And it certainly is. New revenue from Senate Bill 1 ($4.6 billion) enlarged the transportation pie for 2018-19 with the majority of it directed […]

bicycling during pandemic

Equity, the CTC, & the Need for Reform in Transportation Decisionmaking

To advocate for more equitable, inclusive and prosperous communities, we “follow the money” and that means we engage intensely with the CTC. At the state level, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) controls most of the federal and state sources of the transportation budget—a whopping $18 billion a year—and therefore the priorities of our state’s transportation […]

connected bike networks

How Many California Cities and Counties have a Bike or Pedestrian Plan?

CalBike’s policy team is often asked this question—how many jurisdictions across the state have invested in robust community planning for walk and bike facilities? And the follow up—how much would it cost to build all the high priority projects that cities and counties have identified in those plans? A sum of the total cost statewide to […]

As the State Legislature Heads Out on Summer Recess, What’s Next for Key CalBike-Supported Bills?

The legislature may be on summer break, but CalBike is hard at work preparing for the next round of opportunities to advocate for a better California for all. Read on for an update on key legislation we’re sponsoring or tracking, and keep up with our blog for opportunities to get involved. Get State Employees Rolling: […]

2017 California Dream Ride Preview: Day 4

During the past couple of months, the Dream Ride staff has been wrapping up the reconnaissance and most of the planning for year’s tour. Except for a few more tweaks, the route and overnight hotels are set! However, please be aware that some details may change between now and October, so stay tuned to this […]


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