Six Things to Prepare for a Bike-Friendly 2018, #3: Take Control of Your Streets.
We’re not going to transform California into a bike-friendly paradise by the end of 2018, but at least we should be moving in the right direction every time we repave or rebuild a street. However, that’s too often not the case when Caltrans is in charge of the project. Our proposed complete streets policy would have changed that, but the proposal died in committee out of fear that our policy would hurt the chances to defeat the repeal of the new gas tax.
We will introduce the idea next year. In the meantime, we will demonstrate the importance of giving local residents more say over how the streets in their community are designed. We’ll work with organizations to highlight streets treated like highways by Caltrans but desired as a local street by residents, and which should be fixed at the soonest opportunity.
Do you want to be a part of this campaign? We are organizing a week of grassroots lobbying March 22-29, making it easy for you to speak your mind directly to your elected state representative, in person, in their district office. Stay tuned to CalBike’s blog, Facebook and Twitter feeds for more details.