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CalBike’s blog — sharing the biking news you need to know

Stay informed about the bicycling movement in California by reading this blog and subscribing to our monthly newsletter, the CalBike Report. Keep apprised of which bills we are supporting with our Legislative Watch page, which we update regularly.

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CalBike succeeds in passing e-bike voucher bill in Senate

Act Now to Stop Baseless Searches of People on Bikes

The Stop Baseless Searches Bill (AB 93, Bryan) prevents police from asking for “consent” to search someone during a traffic stop when they have no probable cause to conduct a search. These unwarranted searches are more likely to target Black and Latino Californians and more likely to target people on bikes, so this measure is […]

CalBike Response to May Revise

For Immediate Release: May 16, 2023 Contact: Jared Sanchez, Policy Director, (714) 262-0921, Governor’s May 2023 Budget Revise Continues Cuts to Active Transportation  Sacramento, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” of the state’s July 2023-June 2024 budget fails to provide the funding needed to support biking, walking, and public transit. The governor claims to […]


E-Bike Work Group Report Back: April 26, 2023

On April 26, 2023, CARB held another well-attended work group meeting to gather feedback on the details of its Electric Bicycle Incentive Project. One of the major takeaways is that the statewide program launch is pushed back yet again: Most Californians won’t be able to apply for a voucher until at least the third quarter […]

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Inside the Black Box of Appropriations

It is now that time of the year where California’s appropriations committees wield their influence in the legislative process, as the state’s budget begins to come into focus. Appropriations committees have outsize power and can affect the passage of a bill in unexpected ways. Here’s a look behind the scenes. Kill bill If a California […]

California Budget Process Demystified 

The process of allocating spending for the next fiscal year in California is complex, opaque, often controversial — and critically important. CalBike has scored significant wins for better biking through the budget process, like securing $10 million for the statewide e-bike incentive pilot in 2021 and getting a one-time funding bump for the Active Transportation […]

A thicket of discouraging road signs blocking roadway.

Equity-First Transportation Funding: Reversing a History of Infrastructure Discrimination

The Equity-First Transportation Funding Act (AB 1525, Bonta) will require 60% of California’s transportation funds to benefit “priority populations.” The money must provide a direct, meaningful, and assured benefit to such populations and must address an important mobility need. State agencies will need to develop a definition of priority populations, but we will advocate for […]

Yuba e-bike

Coalition Requests $50M E-Bike Funding

For Immediate Release: 4/27/23 Contact: Laura McCamy, CalBike | 510-214-6156, Clean Air and Active Transportation Groups Seek $50M for CA E-Bike Program Sacramento, CA – Today, a coalition of environmental, public health, and active transportation organizations have sent a letter to California state budget leadership requesting an additional $50M for the California Air Resources […]

CalBike Participates in National Bike Summit 

During the final week of March, CalBike staff participated in the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Summit. At this multi-day, hybrid in-person and virtual event, our staff attended presentations, workshops, and virtual bike tours, and participated in Lobby Day meetings with members of Congress and their legislative staff. Read on below for personal reflections […]

Protection from Police Violence Is Integral to Safe Streets

CalBike is working on several fronts for bicycle safety. Traffic violence against people walking and biking has been increasing in recent years as more people turn to active transportation for our daily activities and pleasures. The concept of Complete Streets, or reconfiguring our roads to allow for all modes of transportation, is one of the […]

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Biking Is Not a Crime!

For Immediate Release: 3/29/23Contact: Jared Sanchez, Policy Director, (714) 262-0921, CalBike Campaign 2023: Biking Is Not a Crime SACRAMENTO, CA – As a 2021 LA Times investigation showed, police are more likely to stop Black and Latino Californians on bikes, more likely to search people stopped while biking, and less likely to find any evidence […]

CalBike succeeds in passing e-bike voucher bill in Senate

Federal E-Bike Rebate Back on the Table

Electric cars are eligible for a federal tax rebate, but electric bikes are not. A federal e-bike rebate provision didn’t make it into the final version of the climate and infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. But Congressman Jimmy Panetta, who represents District 19 along California’s central coast, today introduced the Electric Bicycle […]

Support AB 825 for Safe Passage for People on Bikes

Update: AB 825 will come up for a floor vote in the Assembly soon. Please take the action at the bottom of this email to tell your assemblymember to Vote YES on AB 825. Assembly Bill 825 (Bryan) comes up for a vote in the Assembly Committee on Transportation on Monday, March 20, and it […]