© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
1017 L Street #288
Sacramento, CA 95814
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
For Immediate Release: 9/25/23
Contact: Jared Sanchez, CalBike (714) 262-0921, Jared@CalBike.org
SACRAMENTO – A slate of six critical active transit bills supported by CalBike is now on the governor’s desk. The governor has until October 14 to sign or veto bills. If he takes no action, the bill becomes law.
“Taken together, these laws will improve biking, walking, and transit. In an era of increasingly extreme climate disruption, our overarching goal must be to help Californians get to where they need to go using active transportation,” said Jared Sanchez, policy director, CalBike. “Plus, all these measures have the added benefit of reducing auto-related traffic deaths.”
AB 825 Bryan: Safe Passage for Bikes
The Safe Passage for Bikes Bill allows bicycle riding on a sidewalk adjacent to a street that does not include a Class I, Class II, or Class IV bikeway. The bill will take away a justification for traffic stops that may be racially biased and give people on bikes safer places to ride on dangerous streets with no bikeways. At the same time, it includes provisions to protect pedestrians and give them the right of way on sidewalks. AB 825 is a positive step toward decriminalization and bike rider safety, and we hope the governor signs it.
AB 413 Lee: Daylighting to Save Lives
Intersections are the most common sites of collisions involving people walking and biking. The daylighting bill prohibits stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of any unmarked or marked crosswalk. This is a crucial measure that will improve safety by increasing visibility.
AB 645 Friedman: Automated Speed Enforcement
The Automated Speed Enforcement Bill establishes an automated speed safety pilot program in six jurisdictions: the cities of Los Angeles, San Jose, Oakland, Glendale, and Long Beach, and the City and County of San Francisco. Cities must give 30-day notice before the program starts, and tickets issued for the first 60 days will be warnings only, with no fines. Automated speed enforcement is a proven deterrent to speeding in other states, and it’s crucial to making our streets safer since speed is a major factor in collisions with serious injuries and fatalities. The pilot cities are all eager to participate, and we hope the bill passes so we can get data on the effectiveness of speed cameras on California streets.
AB 819 Bryan: Decriminalizing Transit Fare Evasion
This bill decriminalizes fare evasion by removing it as a misdemeanor classification. Riders can still be fined, but potential penalties wouldn’t include jail time. In our ideal world, public transit would be free and frequent, with no need for police to check fares. Unfortunately, our civic budget priorities won’t fund that at the moment, but AB 819 is a step in the right direction.
AB 251 Ward: Deadly Oversized Cars
The Deadly Oversized Cars Bill convenes a task force to study the relationship between vehicle weight and injuries to pedestrians and cyclists and to study the costs and benefits of imposing a passenger vehicle weight fee. If California adds a weight fee, it could serve as a disincentive for manufacturers and consumers to make and purchase heavier SUVs and light trucks.
SB 695 Gonzalez: Caltrans Freeway Data
This data transparency measure will require Caltrans to prepare and make available information and data about activities on the state highway system on a public portal. It seems wonky, but having more visibility into Caltrans projects is crucial for advocates like CalBike because it will make it much easier to direct our efforts where they will have the most impact.
Passage of these measures will represent a crucial advance in equitable use of California streets and roads, providing increased safety for vulnerable road users and making it easier for Californians to choose low- and no-carbon transportation.
For Immediate Release: 7/7/23
Contact: Jared Sanchez, policy director, (714) 262-0921, Jared@CalBike.org
Sacramento – On July 11, 2023, the California Senate Transportation Committee will consider a slate of active transportation bills supported by the California Bicycle Coalition (CalBike).
“Taken together, these five bills will improve safety and access for every person who bikes, walks, or takes public transportation in California,” explained Jared Sanchez, policy director at CalBike. “The more California supports active transportation, the closer we get to meeting our ambitious climate goals.”
Cal Bike’s Active Transportation Slate consists of these five bills:
Bicycle Safety Stop (AB 73, Boerner): The Safety Stop, already legal in several other states, allows people on bikes to treat stop signs as yields when the right of way is clear, which has proven the safest rule for clearing intersections of bicyclists, where most of the deadly accidents happen.
Daylighting to Save Lives (AB 413, Lee): This bill prohibits stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of any unmarked or marked crosswalk to increase visibility and reduce potentially lethal collisions.
Climate-First Transportation Planning (AB 7, Friedman) This bill requires state transportation agencies to incorporate the principles of the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) and the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the project selection and implementation process.
Safe Sidewalk Riding (AB 825, Bryan): Part of CalBike’s Biking Is Not a Crime slate, this measure allows bicycle riding on a sidewalk adjacent to a street that does not include a Class I, Class II, or Class IV bikeway. It protects pedestrians by requiring people on bikes to share the space responsibly and imposing a 10 mph speed limit on bikes.
Free Transit for Youth Pilot (AB 610, Holden): The concept of giving free transit passes to young people is gaining momentum and it’s a great way to give young people low-carbon mobility, support our transit agencies, and help young people build the habit of taking transit. A similar measure passed the legislature in 2022 but was vetoed by the governor.
For Immediate Release 9/7/22
Contact: Jared Sanchez, CalBike (714) 262-0921, Jared@CalBike.org
Sacramento, CA – A slate of active transportation bills backed by the California Bicycle Coalition is now on Gov. Newsom’s desk. He has until September 30 to sign them into law. These bills make it easier and safer for Californians to choose biking, walking, and public transit as their everyday transportation.
Jared Sanchez, senior policy advocate at CalBike, said, “The success of this legislation shows that our elected officials take the climate crisis seriously and are prepared to address it. Active transportation helps reduce the climate impacts of California’s transportation system and invests in clean alternatives for low-income communities who suffer the most from California’s air pollution.”
The Plan for the Future Bill (SB 932, Portantino) will require general plans to include active transportation in their circulation elements and build them rather than sitting on those plans.
The Freedom to Walk Bill (AB 2147, Ting) will prevent police from issuing jaywalking tickets unless the street crossing is truly dangerous.
The OmniBike Bill (AB 1909, Friedman) edits the California Vehicle Code to make it more bike-friendly, including requiring cars to change lanes to pass bikes when possible.
The E-Bike Incentives Bill (AB 117, Boerner Horvath) codifies a program included in last year’s budget with a $10 million allocation to give low-income Californians vouchers to help them purchase an electric bicycle.
CalBike also strongly supports these active transportation bills awaiting the governor’s signature:
We hope Governor Newsom signs every one of these bills into law.
The governor has already signed some of the bike-friendly bills that reached his desk, two relating to bicycle education.
Updated August 31, 2022.
For Immediate Release: 8/18/22
Contact: Jared Sanchez, CalBike (714) 262-092, Jared@CalBike.org
Sacramento, Calif – As we head into the final stretch for legislation in 2022, a slate of excellent active transportation bills has been voted on in the Senate and Assembly. Almost all of the bills we supported are already on the governor’s desk, including at least two that have been signed into law. Of the 18 active transportation bills that made it to the end of the session, one was withdrawn by the author (the Bicycle Safety Stop), and only one remains to be voted on. The other 14 bills have passed both houses and are on their way to Governor Newsom’s desk, if they aren’t there already.
CalBike applauds the California legislature for recognizing the critical role that biking, walking, and public transit will play in our response to climate change and our efforts to create healthier communities.
Jared Sanchez, senior policy advocate at CalBike, said, “We’re encouraged by the overwhelming support for most of the bills we have been following in 2022. The success of this legislation shows that our elected officials take the climate crisis seriously and are prepared to address it. Active transportation helps reduce the climate impacts of California’s transportation system, and it’s frankly, the healthy and fun way to get around town!”
Here is an update of the active transportation bills CalBike supports that are still in play in Sacramento:
Legalizes safe pedestrian mid-block crossings.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Requires cities to ensure that a modified circulation element additionally includes bicycle and pedestrian plans and traffic calming plans.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Requires all transportation projects funded at the local or state level to align with the California Transportation Plan and the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure adopted by the Transportation Agency
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Creates a rebate program for each person without a car in a household
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Cities can’t impose automobile parking minimums on new construction within a half mile of transit.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Authorizes cities to use sound-activated enforcement devices to capture vehicle noise levels that exceed the legal limits.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Allows the Great Redwood Trail agency further authority to build out the Great Redwood Trail, a 320-mile, world-class, multi-use rail-to-trail project connecting California’s San Francisco and Humboldt Bays.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Extends environmental review exemptions for transit and active transportation infrastructure improvements. Forbids auto capacity increases.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Develops Youth Transit Pass Pilot Program that will allow transit agencies to provide free youth transit passes to all persons 25 years of age.
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Requires Caltrans and cities to update all pedestrian control signals to operate giving a pedestrian a head start between 3 to 7 seconds to enter an intersection with a corresponding circular green signal
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Would modernize California’s outdated minimum auto financial responsibility limits (known as liability insurance) and would change our underinsured motorist law so that drivers get the full value of the policy they paid for.
Enrolled and presented to governor
Enrolled and presented to the governor
Requires Caltrans to develop statewide safety standards and training programs for users of e-bikes.
Approved by the governor and chaptered
Expands permitted school bicycle safety education partnerships from law enforcement agencies in elementary and middle schools to any agency or organization at any public school.
Approved by the governor and chaptered
Requires adults on bikes to yield at stop sign-controlled intersections instead of stop unless stopping is necessary for safety.
Withdrawn by author
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
1017 L Street #288
Sacramento, CA 95814
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025