Bike the Vote

Your vote makes a difference.

At CalBike, we work not just to improve what policymakers decide about transportation but to improve who those policymakers are. In 2024, California needs leaders who are up to the challenge of the current moment to face the climate crisis and prioritize active transportation.

Because the California Bicycle Coalition is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, we can engage with electoral politics. The critical victories we’ve achieved for to make our streets safer for people biking and walking wouldn’t have been possible without strong champions in the California Assembly and Senate. Elections matter.l

It’s vital to elect officials who share our goals of creating equitable, inclusive, and prosperous communities where bicycling helps to enable all Californians to lead healthy and joyful lives. 

Here are CalBike’s endorsements for the November general election.

District/LocationCalBike EndorsementAbout the CandidateCandidate QuestinnaireResults
Assembly District 19 San FranciscoCatherine StefaniAs a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board, Catherine has in-depth experience making our roads safe for vulnerable road users.Stefani QuestionnaireWon
Assembly District 44 Burbank
Nick SchultzSchultz, currently Mayor of Burbank, is an excellent choice to fill the seat vacated by Laura Friedman who will join the fight for more funding for active transportation.Schultz QuestionnaireWon
Assembly District 50 RialtoRobert Garcia Garcia is a school board member with a strong vision for safer streets for biking and walking and denser housing for walkable, bikeable neighborhoods.Garcia QuestionnaireWon
Assembly District 52 Los AngelesJessica CalozaAn immigrant and women’s rights advocate who worked as an advisor to President Obama, Caloza will speak up for the transportation needs of disadvantaged communities.Caloza QuestionnaireWon
Assembly District 57 Los AngelesSade ElhawaryAnd educator with a background in advocacy and organizing, Elhawary understands the needs of California’s diverse communities for better transportation options.Elhawary QuestionnaireWon
Assembly District 58 CoronaClarissa CervantesCervantes is a Riverside City Council member who understands the need to prioritize resources for communities most impacted by environmental and transportation injustice.Cervantes QuestionnaireLost
Assembly District 79 La MesaColin ParentThe CEO of bike advocacy organization Circulate San Diego and a City Councilmember in the City of La Mesa, Parent has led local efforts to prioritize transportation spending toward safety and active transportation.Parent QuestionnaireLost
Senate District 25 PasadenaSasha Renée PérezPérez is Vice Mayor of Alhambra and understands the negative impacts that sprawl, congestion, and pollution have on disadvantaged communities. Pérez QuestionnaireWon
Alameda County Board of Supervisors District 5John BautersFormer Emeryville Mayor John Bauters has proven himself to be a champion for bicycle infrastructure and walkable, livable neighborhoods.Bauters QuestionnaireLost

CalBike Endorsement Process

CalBike sends questionnaires to candidates for Assembly and Senate and evaluates the responses. The candidates we endorse support safe streets and funding for active transportation infrastructure. They don’t support freeway expansion and projects that will add to VMT and favor using that money for sustainable transportation instead. In addition, our endorsed candidates have shown their understanding of the need to prioritize historically disadvantaged neighborhoods, which are often burdened by inadequate infrastructure, neglect, and transportation racism.

How to vote in California

California will send a mail-in ballot to every registered voter, and you can mail your ballot or drop it off at a dropbox location anytime as soon as you receive it. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked or dropped off no later than November 5, 2024. You can also find your polling place and vote in person. The California Secretary of State has more information on how to make sure your vote counts.

If you’re not registered to vote, you can register online or in person. Same-day registration is available at your local polling place.