Meet CalBike’s New ED: Kendra Ramsey
After a year-long search with many outstanding candidates, we’re delighted to announce that Kendra Ramsey (she/her), AICP , will be joining the California Bicycle Coalition and the California Mobility Fund as our new Executive Director!
Ramsey is a seasoned active transportation and land use professional with over 15 years of experience in planning, policy development, and community engagement. She is an experienced change maker in the non-profit, government, and private sectors who comes to CalBike with a strong history of leading programs and developing plans that center community voices and make strides to undo historical patterns of disinvestment.
Ramsey has worked to bring resident voices to long-range planning efforts, guided local agencies to rethink their engagement efforts to reach historically disadvantaged communities and respond to their needs, and sees every new project as an opportunity to create a just transportation system. She also seeks to deepen diversity and build inclusivity in the active transportation profession in her role as Vice President of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, alongside some of North America’s leading practitioners.
Ramsey joins the team from Sacramento, where she has most recently worked as Active Transportation Project Manager for civil engineering firm GHD, developing innovative mobility options, Complete Streets plans, and corridor studies for local and regional agencies throughout the state.
Ramsey is a nationally recognized expert in planning active transportation networks that meet community-identified needs, as well as developing policies and programs to help diverse constituencies choose walking and biking for daily trips. She shares CalBike’s vision that all Californians should have safe, accessible, and affordable transportation options and that improving access to safe mobility for underserved communities is of critical importance.
“I am thrilled to be joining CalBike at such a critical time for active transportation and mobility justice, and look forward to working with the board, staff, and partners to build on recent successes and launch new efforts to make walking and bicycling safer and easier for people in all of our communities.”
Kendra Ramsey, Incoming CalBike Executive Director

With appointment of Kendra Ramsey as Executive Director, CalBike deepens its commitment to equity
CalBike has been and remains committed to centering our advocacy efforts on the intersection between mobility choice and racial and economic equity. Ramsey’s track record in spearheading equity initiatives makes her the ideal ED to lead our organization. Over the past decade, she has worked with dozens of communities throughout the state to prioritize the transportation needs of underserved communities, primarily low-income communities and communities of color. Further, she understands the critical nature of meeting the transportation needs of caregivers and families as a way to shift away from auto dependence and toward active transportation.
Ramsey says, “As someone who grew up in a household without a car, I have always associated transportation with opportunity. Our transportation options influence what schools we attend, what jobs we can access, the friends and family we can visit, and what recreation we can enjoy.”
Ramsey is also one of a growing number of women leaders in bicycle advocacy. In a field long dominated by men, and with male-identified people making up the majority of bike riders in California, we think women leaders bring a critical perspective to statewide bicycle advocacy. In European cities that are far ahead of the US in building safe bike infrastructure, women often make up more than half of all people on bikes, so we know there is an enormous unmet demand for safer streets in California.
“I’m absolutely thrilled to have Kendra’s expertise, vision, and passion joining our team at CalBike. It’s gratifying to see the trend of such talented women stepping into key leadership roles in organizations throughout our state.”
Cynthia Rose, CalBike Board Chair.
Looking to 2023 and beyond
In the coming year, Ramsey will take the lead on several key priorities for CalBike. She will join the team in advancing our ambitious 2023 legislative agenda, help plan the 2024 California Bicycle Summit, and work with the board and staff to develop CalBike’s new strategic plan. And, of course, she will help us craft an even more ambitious agenda for 2024 and beyond.
“Working with local agencies and community members throughout California to plan bicycling and walking networks, I’ve seen the disconnect between policy and implementation, as well as the gaps left by historical investment patterns and our current oversubscribed funding programs,” Ramsay says. “I look forward to working with the CalBike board, staff, and partners to make a more equitable transportation network for all Californians.”
We are grateful to our Interim Executive Director Kevin Claxton and his leadership over the past year. Claxton will remain an integral part of our CalBike staff and transition to the position of Operations Manager once Ramsey steps into the Executive Director role in mid-August.
“Kendra joins CalBike at a pivotal moment, with an incredible opportunity to build on our past successes and lead our movement to greater heights.”
Kevin Claxton, CalBike Interim ED
CalBike’s amazing team is excited to start its new chapter, and we think you will be inspired by Kendra Ramsey’s leadership in building just, sustainable, and equitable transportation in California. Look for more information about her vision and a chance to meet our new ED in the near future.