Tell your California Senator to vote YES on the Freedom to Walk Act

AB 1238 decriminalizes jaywalking.
It’s about justice. It’s about time.

The Freedom to Walk Act does not change existing law that already requires pedestrians to avoid potentially hazardous situations on the roadway. It will merely legalize what people are already doing: finding the best routes to safely walk in their neighborhoods.

The Freedom to Walk Act, AB 1238, will:

  • Legalize safe, commonsense street crossing, when traffic permits, whether or not a pedestrian is within a marked/unmarked crosswalk or the walk cycle of a traffic signal.
  • Remove a pretext for over-policing that has disproportionately hurt Black and Latinx Californians.
  • End a traffic enforcement practice that places an undue financial burden on low-income residents through fines, fees, and penalties.
  • Recognize the rights of people who are walking to fair and equitable use of our public roadways.

More information about CalBike’s campaign to decriminalize jaywalking.

The Assembly could vote on this bill as soon as June 1 – Please email your assembly member NOW