The Call For Projects Is Finally Here. Is Your Active Transportation Program Cycle 4 Application Ready?
On May 16th at the May California Transportation Commission meeting, the commissioner’s adopted the updated Active Transportation Program Guidelines and simultaneously launched the Call for Projects for Cycle 4 of the program.
The ATP is the state’s premiere source of funding for biking and walking infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects grant program, and CalBike and our partners want to support you and help get your ATP projects rolling as Cycle 4 takes off.
The major changes include an application process broken down by project type:
Small Infrastructure
Medium Infrastructure
Large Infrastructure
Another highlight: Transformative Projects – what are they? What is expected?
Check out our ATP Application Webinar + Active Transportation Program resources
ATP grants have the potential to support walking and bicycling projects across the state to help make our cities, towns, and neighborhoods comfortable, attractive, and convenient places to get around on foot and on bike.