It’s Time to Fast-Track Bike Lanes!
Tell your Assembly Member to vote YES on SB 288
Update: WE WON! The California State Assembly voted to pass this important measure. Next step: get Governor Newsom to sign it into law.
New bike lanes and improved public transit are critical to California’s recovery. The Assembly will vote Sunday on SB 288, which will allow communities to fast-track new bike lanes. Email your Assembly Member today to tell them to VOTE YES on SB 288.
Now is the time to fast-track key sustainable transportation projects, but environmental regulations more appropriate for oil refineries than bike lanes can delay such projects by years. We don’t have years.
Senate Bill 288 will make it easier to build bike lanes, bus lanes, and light rail lines by eliminating unnecessary review regulations, while preserving important opportunities for public involvement.
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Sustainable transportation projects like bike lanes and dedicated bus lanes are good for the environment. Especially now, we need to build them as quickly as possible. However, regulations of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) meant to protect the environment can delay these green projects by requiring expensive and time-consuming environmental review. In fact, too often, that review process is used by NIMBYs to stop sustainable transportation projects because they might delay car traffic.
CalBike and other state allies have come a long way toward eliminating some of these obstacles, but many remain. A key exemption from CEQA for bicycle plans is about to expire.
That’s why we’re supporting Senate Bill 288. It will extend the CEQA exemption fo bicycle plans, and further exempt all bicycle projects that are built in existing rights-of-way. The exemption would also apply to the construction of bus-only lanes and light rail lines and stations in the public right-of-way. It’s an emergency exemption meant to spur sustainable transportation projects as part of our economic recovery from COVID that will expire in two years.
SB 288 (Wiener) is scheduled for a hearing before the end of the month. Please let your representative know that you support this common sense bill to expedite sustainable transportation projects. Read the full bill.