Tell Congress to INVEST $7 Billion in Active Transportation
CalBike is doing all we can to support bicycling in California, but our state desperately needs more funding for vital bike infrastructure. The INVEST in America Act will provide $7 billion for active transportation over five years. The bill is coming up for a vote this week and it needs your support to pass.
Please email your California member of congress and ask them to answer our call and prioritize safer streets for all people by voting YES on the INVEST in America Act!
More about the INVEST in America Act
CalBike’s allies in Washington DC, including the League of American Bicycling, have helped craft this bill. Their hard work has add more bike-friendly amendments and made the active transportation and bicycling provisions stronger.
As we continue to make the case for better biking across California, here’s how the INVEST in America Act answers this call:
- Invests in safe and accessible networks for people biking and walking,
- Institutes a national Complete Streets policy,
- Reinstates the Bicycle Commuter Benefit,
- Incentivizes states to fix dangerous roads and intersections,
- Increases the amount of federal transportation funding provided to local communities through the Transportation Alternatives set-aside program, and
- Judges federal grant applications based on how inclusive the public process was, as well as the project’s impacts on environmental justice and equity.