Transportation Equity Summit 2017
California has been at the forefront of the fight against climate change for years, and 2017 promises to test our leadership in unprecedented ways. As we face real threats at the federal level to our environment and human rights, Californians will need to push harder than ever for climate and transportation justice.
Come together with advocates, experts, state leaders, students, and community groups from across California at the 2017 Transportation Equity Summit. This year’s summit will focus on connecting state transportation funding to concrete goals that both fight climate change and promote social equity.
We know that climate change is real — and the transportation sector (with heavy reliance on the personal automobile) is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that everyone has the right to safe and convenient transportation options, and equitable communities make our economy and our social institutions stronger. We know that real climate solutions create opportunity and justice for the people who need them most.
We also know this: when we come together, we make incredible change happen.
- Early bird price now through March 24, 2017: $100
- Full price March 25, 2017 through April 23: $125
Scholarships for discount tickets are available to nonprofit employees, students, and others who may not be able to afford the full price. The deadline to apply is March 24, 2017. Email Katie Valenzuela Garcia for more information.
Nominate a Transportation Equity Champion!
Creating an affordable, accessible, sustainable, efficient, and safe transportation system, in particular for vulnerable and historically disenfranchised residents and communities, is no easy task. It takes dedicated leaders, advocates, and organizers to make this a reality. The Transportation Equity Award, presented at the Transportation Equity Summit, recognizes those that have worked to lasting create change – either in their local community or at the State Capitol. Nominate a champion today, deadline to submit extended to Friday, March 31st. Read further details here.
The 2017 Transportation Equity Summit is brought to you by CalBike and TransForm