How to Be a Complete Streets Ambassador
The Complete Streets Bill, SB 960, will require Caltrans to add infrastructure that people who bike, walk, and take transit need when it repaves a state route. State-maintained streets often serve as main thoroughfares through California cities and towns. When they are designed and managed primarily to move cars fast, these roads are also the most dangerous in a community, undercutting local efforts to build connected bike networks and encourage residents to walk and take transit.
CalBike is working hard to pass the Complete Streets Bill, and we need an army of activists to help us win with the legislature and the governor. Here’s what you can do.
1. Using CalBike’s partner toolkit, post about Complete Streets on your social channels.
CalBike has created a Complete Streets campaign toolkit that includes graphics you can use, suggested language for social media and emails, and background information on the bill.
- Post your support for Complete Streets on social media. Be sure and tag CalBike.
- Email your friends and enlist their support.
- Take the message to bike parties, kid-friendly gatherings, and other events where you can build support for Complete Streets on Caltrans corridors.
- Share your stories about riding or walking on Caltrans-controlled streets in your community. Do you avoid those streets because they’re not safe? Do state routes or freeway interchanges create gaps in your safe bike routes?
2. Sign on to our support letter.
CalBike and our allies wrote a joint letter to our legislators in support of the Complete Streets Bill. Add your name as a supporter, using the form below.
3. Email your state assemblymember and senator and ask them to vote YES on SB 960.
CalBike will have the most current action on our Complete Streets campaign page. If we’re not targeting your state representatives at this time, you can email them directly and ask for their support. This tool helps you find your state assemblymember and senator. Better yet, call them.
Join CalBike’s list to stay current on where the bill is in the legislative process and what action you can take to support it.
4. Come to Sacramento and speak at a hearing.
Not everyone can take the time to come to Sacramento to speak in support of the Complete Streets Bill. Lawmakers know this, so even a few advocates coming to speak in person can have a big impact. Let us know if you are interested in joining us at person and we’ll let you know about opportunities to speak at a hearing.
Thank you for supporting CalBike’s efforts to make our streets safe for vulnerable road users, to create healthy and prosperous communities, and to empower the mode shift we need to combat climate change. We can’t do it without you.