Active Transportation Program Webinar
Gearing Up for a Winning ATP Application
Now with nearly a quarter million dollars to invest annually, the Active Transportation Program (ATP) is infor some major changes. Got questions? We got answers!Join us to learn what you need to know to craft a winning application for ATP Cycle 4.
Planned webinar topics include:• Key Changes to Program Guidelines• Timeline for ATP Cycle 4• Overview of New Application Types• Lessons Learned from Previous Cycles
The webinar is part of a program of training and technical assistance to disadvantaged communities developed and delivered by the Active Transportation Resource Team, a four-organization collaboration including the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, the California Bicycle Coalition, California Walks and the Local Government Commission. The program is funded by The California Endowment.
Linda Khamoushian, Senior Policy Advocate California Bicycle Coalition. Linda is a Los Angeles native, and a graduate of UCBerkeley and UCLA. She holds a Masters degree in Urban and Regional Planning. Prior to joining CalBike, Linda worked as an urban planning researcher in health equity, environment, and transportation. She has over 10 years of experience in organizational development, public policy, and community engagement.Tony Dang, Executive Director California Walks Tony directs Cal Walks’ policy advocacy, community engagement efforts, and technical assistance programs to assist communities successfully secure millions of dollars to implement their community-driven vision of walkability. Tony holds a BA from Stanford University in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity.
Tuesday, March 13, 201810:00 AM – 11:30 AM Pacific
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