As CalBike celebrates its 30th anniversary, it’s an excellent time to look at one of our accomplishments that turns 10 this year: the Protected Bikeway Act of 2014, AB 1193. Authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting and sponsored by CalBike, the bill created a new class of bike lane: Class IV, also called cycletracks. These are on-street bikeways separated from vehicular traffic by a physical barrier, and they have been a game changer for bike riders in California.
Before the Protected Bikeways Act
Before our bill was signed into law, Caltrans design standards didn’t allow bike lanes separated by bollards, curbs, planters, or other barriers, even though other states were implementing protected bike lanes and NACTO had issued design guidance.
Class I bikeways are physically separated from traffic, but these are off-street paths. While Class I bikeways are low-stress and appealing to many riders, they can be hard to construct due to high costs and space limitations.
Class IV bikeways, on the other hand, can be added during roadway repaving projects and don’t require the acquisition of off-road rights of way, though there may still be issues with repurposing road space from driving or parking to active transportation. California had a few of these separated lanes before this law was passed. But local governments, concerned about liability if they built infrastructure not sanctioned by Caltrans, were still mostly adding Class II bikeways, which are delineated by paint only.
“The Protected Bikeways Bill gave engineers the last big tool they needed to design safe roads for people biking anywhere. They were practically prohibited from building them prior to that bill,” said Dave Snyder, who was CalBike’s Executive Director during the campaign to pass and implement this law. “Then we had to promote them to engineers and planners all over the state. We also educated elected officials so they knew the importance of protected bike lanes in case their engineers were recalcitrant, which happened.”
Next step: implementation
Before communities could install new, protected bikeways, Caltrans had to issue design guidance, and it didn’t do that until December 30, 2015. Caltrans’ design information bulletin on Class IV bikeways has been updated, mostly recently in 2022, and connects to other more recent Caltrans design guidelines for Complete Streets. Physically separated bikeways, which have been shown to reduce fatalities for all road users, are an element of many Complete Streets designs. So, legalizing these lanes 10 years ago now supports the Complete Streets Law, which CalBike sponsored and helped pass this year.
But passing the law and getting design guidelines from Caltrans wasn’t the end of CalBike’s work to promote protected bikeways. With help from Alta Planning + Design, we published and distributed a four-page brochure and hosted a webinar to inform planners and public works departments, as well as advocates, about the new regulations.
You may have noticed a proliferation of Class IV bikeways in your community, along with innovative ways to create the separation, such as putting parked cars between bike riders and traffic. Robert Prinz, advocacy director for Bike East Bay, shared this chart showing the explosive growth of protected bikeways in East Bay communities.
Prinz told us that, in the cities that have built protected bikeways, more are going up. But, he said, “There are still a lot of areas where there has been no movement, now almost nine years after they were officially permitted.”
Separated bikeways breed more separated bikeways. “In the areas where more projects have been built, there is a growing acceptance and appreciation for the value of separated bikeways, but in places where they aren’t as common, we are still often starting at square one, regardless of progress a few towns over,” Prinz said. “One of my goals here in the East Bay is to have at least one Class IV bikeway project on the ground in every one of these places within five years, but even this will be a challenge.”
In the 10 years since CalBike helped pass the Protected Bikeways Act, Class IV protected lanes have become the gold standard for bicycling infrastructure in California. It’s an example of what CalBike does best. Changing the standards for bikeway design at the state level may sound wonky and obscure, but it paved the way for safer streets for thousands of Californians, and we continue to reap the benefits today. McCamy McCamy2024-10-24 14:25:422024-10-24 15:48:00Taking Stock of Protected Bikeways 10 Years Later
Below is a guest post from Carol Kachadoorian, executive director of dblTilde CORE, Inc., reporting on the 50+ Cycling survey, which is conducted with funding from the Mineta Transportation Institute and San Jose State University.
With older adults comprising an increasing percentage of our population, a focus on how to ensure they remain mobile, independent, and engaged is important. The 50+ Cycling Survey, Year 4, conducted by dblTilde CORE, Inc., in partnership with the Mineta Transportation Institute, sheds light on how older adults are adapting to changes in their physical and mental abilities in order to continue cycling.
The survey helps answer questions such as:
How important is cycling in a person’s life as they age? What do they want from cycling?
What can older cyclists do to mitigate the effects of aging on their cycling so that they can continue to cycle into their 70s, 80s, and even 90s?
What infrastructure designs and operations benefit older cyclists?
Some older cyclists get a different bike, such as a tandem, trike, or e-bike. Others change where they cycle by limiting their rides to trails or with others. One older cyclist told me, “The older I get, the more I need safer and more comfortable circumstances to cycle.”Here’s a closer look at what the Year 4 survey (and a sneak peek at the Year 5 responses to date) reveal about how aging impacts cycling and how to keep the enjoyment going.
The impact of aging on mobility
Mobility habits naturally evolve with age. These habits can be described as a bell curve that follows childhood to adulthood to the third stage of life, going from dependent mobility to independent mobility and back. Many older adults eventually stop driving due to physical or cognitive changes. In fact, AARP data indicates that while 80% of people over 65 are still driving, this number drops sharply to 35% by age 80.
The 50+ Cycling Survey shows that cycling remains an attractive option for those looking to stay active and independently mobile. For many older adults, cycling can be a key mode of transportation for independent mobility, so they don’t have to rely on others or public transportation.
Cycling also offers opportunities for valuable social engagement through regular cycling outings with friends, supported or unsupported cycling tours, or having bicycle-related conversations during social gatherings or at the local bike shop. For example, 85% of those responding to the Year 5 survey say they ride for leisure or social activity and 65% for fitness.
A growing number of bicycle options for older riders
Once limited to a handful of choices, people who cycle can now choose a bicycle that specifically fits their needs or wants. For older adults, selecting the right bike from the range of choices increases the likelihood that they will continue to cycle as they age.
It is common for older cyclists to have different bikes for different purposes. One man in his mid-60s responding to the Year 4 survey noted, “I occasionally use a road bike (it’s not as suitable for poor road conditions, so the hybrid is my primary bike). I also use a tandem when with my spouse, transporting goods, or picking up another person.” Those with tandem bikes are typically couples, as this response suggests, especially when one of the couple is not as strong a rider or has a medical condition that makes a two-wheel bike difficult. For example, one respondent said, “I wanted to be able to ride further and faster than I could ride on my own, and my partner is more technically skilled on a bicycle than I am.” Another person sees his tandem as part of “relationship building — whichever direction your relationship is going, you will get there twice as fast on a tandem.”
A small percentage of older adults opt for an adult trike: 3.6% in the Year 4 survey. This is often due to balance issues or because they need a cargo bike for carrying groceries and other purchases. Three-quarters of these trikes are e-assist.
However, the reluctance to purchase a trike may be a sense of going backwards physically. One person put it this way, “If I can’t ride a two-wheeler anymore, it’s time to hang it up.” This sentiment was echoed by someone who is trying to have an open mind: “Getting over my trike shame (I was the last kid in Grade 1 to give up trike).” About 40% of those from the Year 4 survey don’t anticipate getting a trike. Several people said they would get one when they are older; others pointed to a specific birthday, such as 80, 90, or 100. It’s unclear if these comments were tongue-in-cheek or not.
Many seniors are turning to e-bikes
As you might guess, e-bikes are a popular choice for older cyclists, and they have the potential to revolutionize mobility for seniors. Still, a good percentage of those responding to the survey each year don’t expect to get an e-bike. Over the years we’ve offered the 50+ Cycling Survey, e-bike ownership rates have grown from 3% in Years 1 and 2 to 8.2% in Year 3, 17.5% in Year 4, and they have jumped to 29% to date in Year 5. Thirty percent of these are past-year purchases.
As older adults begin to feel physical limitations such as reduced strength, balance, or endurance, e-bikes offer a practical solution, as long as an older adult’s balance and strength allow them to ride what is often a heavier bike with faster speeds. With features like pedal assist and motorized power, e-bikes make it easier for seniors to cover longer distances, tackle hills, and ride for extended periods, all while reducing strain on the body.
For many survey respondents, switching to an e-bike has allowed them to continue cycling even after they’ve stopped driving. In fact, some participants reported using e-bikes for the majority of their local trips, shifting away from cars altogether. This trend points to the growing importance of e-bikes in promoting active transportation and improving the quality of life for older adults.
Life changes lead to more cycling
Contrary to the assumption that people cycle less as they age, the survey reveals that life events such as retirement, moving to a bike-friendly community, or gaining a new partner can actually increase cycling frequency. Many older adults find that with more free time, they can incorporate cycling into their daily routines — whether it’s for transportation, leisure, or fitness. In fact, when asked under what circumstances they would stop cycling, 36% of those responding to the Year 5 survey say they expect to continue cycling.
Participants in the survey shared how e-bikes have enabled them to explore their surroundings in new ways. One respondent noted, “I discovered nearby cycling infrastructure [like rail-trails] that I was not aware of before.” Another mentioned, “I decided to cycle to less crowded grocery stores and do so more frequently.” These stories highlight how e-bikes not only support mobility but also provide opportunities for discovery and enjoyment.
Adapting to changes: Staying safe while cycling
As with driving, cycling requires some adjustments as people age. The survey offers insights into how older cyclists adapt their habits to stay safe.
For instance, many respondents avoid cycling at night or in bad weather, and they stick to quieter roads or bike paths to reduce the risks associated with high-traffic areas. Some older cyclists use radar detection systems or louder horns to stay aware of their surroundings, while others have switched to step-through frames or a trike for added stability.
One Year 4 survey respondent said she was cycling more because she “…attended a road biking class and feel more confident to join hillier and longer rides.” These small changes allow older adults to continue cycling safely while accommodating the physical challenges that come with aging. More information on how older cyclists can make small changes to keep cycling is available in this article.
The health benefits of cycling
Cycling isn’t just about getting from point A to point B — it’s also a powerful way to improve both physical and mental health. The 50+ Cycling Survey highlights the many health benefits that come with regular cycling, particularly for older adults. From improving cardiovascular fitness to boosting mental well-being, cycling — especially with the help of e-bikes — offers a low-impact, enjoyable way to stay active.
For many older adults, e-bikes have also become a tool for enabling social engagement, especially if it means they can keep up with stronger cyclists or cycle with others in places with challenging topography. Whether cycling with friends or participating in local cycling events, e-bikes help older adults stay connected to their communities, reducing feelings of isolation and improving their overall quality of life.
The future of cycling for older adults
The 50+ Cycling Survey paints a promising picture of the future of cycling for older adults. As more communities embrace bike-friendly infrastructure and its benefits and the range of bicycles available allow older cyclists to adapt — whether by switching to a tandem, a trike, or an e-bike — we can expect to see an increasing number of older adults taking to the streets and trails.
Cycling can serve as a lifeline for older adults looking to maintain their independence, improve their health, and stay connected with their communities. With support and the right bike, such as an e-bike, older adults can continue to cycle, staying active and engaged for years to come. Staff Staff2024-10-23 18:23:192024-10-23 18:23:19Cycling and Older Adults: Insights from the 50+ Cycling Survey
As we roll into CalBike’s 30th year, it’s time to take stock of where our organization is today. We’ve increased our reach and influence over the years, but we also face challenges heading into our next 30 years.
Strength in numbers
I’ve heard from members and supporters that they think of CalBike as a large organization. We have spearheaded successful campaigns that change the way bikeways and active transportation infrastructure are built throughout California. We are a go-to source for information on programs we helped create, such as the Active Transportation Program.
That level of influence might conjure an image of a large staff scurrying through a warren of offices in Sacramento — the all-powerful bike lobby at work! But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
CalBike has a full-time staff of four (including me), plus two part-time staffers. There are no offices at all; we went fully remote during the pandemic. We sometimes bring in consultants to help with specific projects. We run a lean operation and our ambitions are sometimes bigger than our finances.
CalBike is able to accomplish so much because of two factors. The first is our amazing staff, each of whom approaches their role with dedication and thoughtfulness. Our relationships in the capitol and state agencies, coupled with policy and technical knowledge, combine to make us effective strategists and advocates, as well as a resource to others. The second factor behind our accomplishments is our coalition. We work with local bicycle coalitions as well as pedestrian and transit advocates across California to lift up their priorities and bring strength in numbers to our campaigns. We partner with organizations working on environmental issues, social justice, disability rights, and other issues to create powerful, intersectional coalitions that lawmakers listen to.
We also get strength from everyone on our list: everyone who reaches out with words of support, raises a concern, or makes a donation. You are the power that drives our pedal strokes!
Heading into 2025 and beyond
As we start our next 30 years, the vision CalBike champions is more critical than ever in the face of rising inequality and an ever more dire climate crisis. Facing the urgency of these needs, I wish I had better news to report, but the truth is we are struggling to raise the funds we need to keep functioning at our current capacity.
While we are smaller than some local bicycle coalitions, CalBike is an efficient and effective advocate. Gifts to CalBike are an investment in better biking, helping us win more victories, like winning $1 billion for bikes. Bills we champion, like the Protected Bikeway Bill of 2014 pave the way for safer streets across California, so supporting your statewide bicycle coalition supercharges the efforts of your local bike advocates.
CalBike couldn’t have achieved the many accomplishments over the past 30 years without our members and supporters. It takes a village to make our streets safe and welcoming to everyone.
Join CalBike for the next 30 years of active transportation
Like a lot of nonprofits, CalBike has experienced a drop in donations. I’m confident we’ll emerge from this setback stronger than ever, with the help of our fabulous supporters.
Here are some things you can do:
Join CalBikeand your local bike coalition. We work together to achieve the changes you see on your local streets. Passing laws at the state level makes better biking possible at the local level.
Ask your friends to join. Get together to make a group donation. Throw a bike party and raise funds. We know the bike community is creative — for help getting started, or for CalBike swag to include email
Buy CalBike merch. Have you seen our new quail art? It’s awesome, and it comes on fabulous items like baby onesies. My toddler loves her shirt.
Become a monthly donor. Monthly donations take a small bite out of your budget but give CalBike predictable funding that helps meet our operating expenses. To take a page out of public radio’s book: $10 a month is two cups of coffee (or innertubes).
If you can’t donate right now, you’re still a vital part of our community, and community is what makes us strong. Together, we will launch CalBike into 2025 and beyond, stronger than ever. Ramsey Ramsey2024-10-23 12:37:172024-10-25 19:50:09Where CalBike Is Today
One of the best ways to pass better laws around active transportation is to elect bike champions. Elected leaders who understand the value of safe streets for people biking, walking, and taking transit are critical allies in our work to bring better biking to all Californians. So, each election cycle, CalBike endorses candidates who we hope will become the next generation of bike-friendly leaders in Sacramento.
We only endorse candidates in tough races or running for open seats. If we don’t have an endorsement for your assemblymember or state senator, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a bike champion; it may just mean that theirs is a safe seat. We generally endorse only candidates for state seats, but we occasionally endorse someone running for a local seat, as is the case with one of our endorsements this year.
Here are nine excellent candidates who we expect to be strong allies in the campaign for safer streets. If you are in one of their districts, please vote for them and share this endorsement. If not, we’ve linked to their websites where you can find other ways to support bike-friendly leadership.
Catherine Stefani, Assembly District 19: San Francisco
Catherine Stefani brings a progressive yet mindful approach to highway expansion funding; in her questionnaire, she said, “I am generally opposed to highway widening and expansion projects and would be opposed to such efforts in Assembly District 19. Through induced demand and the encouragement of more driving, especially from suburban and exurban communities, we are only inviting more gridlock, congestion, and pollution into our state’s urban cores, such as the dense communities throughout the westside of San Francisco and northern San Mateo County.”
Stefani is a worthy candidate for the state legislature and can prove to be a key champion for safe streets in the state legislature.
Nick Schultz knows it’s imperative that every transportation project over the coming decade aims for and achieves a reduction in vehicle miles traveled by encouraging the use of mass transit and alternative transportation options. He’s willing to discontinue project funding for road expansion projects already in the pipeline and supports the transition from our historically car-centric transportation infrastructure into one that embraces all modalities of transportation.
Schultz is a worthy successor to bicycle champion Laura Friedman, who is running for Congress. His answers to CalBike’s questionnaire indicate that he understands the need to increase funding for active transportation infrastructure and will be a strong advocate in Sacramento.
Robert Garcia believes California’s car dependence is holding us back from our zero emissions goals and that we should take much of the funding we use on car-dependent infrastructure and put it toward building accessible, affordable mass transit systems and pedestrian infrastructure. He supports increased efforts to repair and connect our sidewalks, make our bike lanes safer with physical barriers, and push for higher housing density to make these solutions more effective.
A current school board member, Garcia supports devoting more of California’s transportation budget to active transportation. His answers to CalBike’s questionnaire demonstrated his support for prioritizing low-income communities of color for transportation funding.
Jessica Caloza thinks California should look at our transportation budget and how it prioritizes projects that increase vehicle miles traveled and GHG emissions. A former LA Public Works Commissioner, she wants to realign our environmental goals with our climate standards.
Caloza’s answers to CalBike’s candidate questionnaire showed a strong desire to work with active transportation and environmental advocates to shape better state policy. She understands the need to prioritize low-income communities for infrastructure funding.
Sade Elhawary believes our representatives have a moral responsibility to create the change and growth needed to measurably improve the lives of those in overlooked communities throughout the state — regardless of pushback or opposition –– and that our budget must reflect a feasible path to net zero carbon emissions. She wants to make unwalkable communities accessible to people on bikes, scooters, and public transit.
Elhawary understands that an investment in environmental justice will pay dividends in the future. Her responses to CalBike’s questionnaire show that she’ll be a passionate advocate for communities of color and disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Clarissa Cervantes understands that California needs to shift away from being a car-dependent state. She believes we must prioritize investments in our public transportation system and in infrastructure that increases transit ridership, advances our climate goals, and improves safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and other modes of transportation.
A Riverside City Council member, Cervantes would prioritize shifting our state transportation budget to make substantial investments in disadvantaged communities across California. She would work to empower the communities most impacted by pollution to choose their own goals, strategies, and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution.
Colin Parent wants our transportation funding to match our climate and mode-share goals. The CEO of Bike Advocacy organization Circulate San Diego, he knows we need to also be spending substantially more on transit, bike, and pedestrian facilities. Our actions must match our words and commitments.
Parent, also a city council member in La Mesa, has worked to prioritize funding for communities that have endured the most crashes and deaths, which are overwhelmingly communities of color and low-income areas. In his responses to CalBike’s questionnaire, he expressed a desire to introduce a bill in the legislature that prioritizes spending those dollars in areas that have suffered from historic and racist disinvestment, as well as areas that have suffered the most injuries and deaths.
Sasha Renée Pérez knows that lack of housing and urban sprawl have dramatically increased our carbon emissions and negatively impacted air quality throughout California. She wants our state to get serious about addressing the state’s housing crisis if we intend to address the climate crisis. She would also work to reduce diesel truck congestion and emissions, increase affordable access to renewable energy sourcing, particularly in dense and low-income communities, while expanding access to new green jobs as part of the transition away from fossil fuel jobs.
If she is elected to the State Senate, active transportation and public transportation funding will continue to be one of Pérez’s top priorities. She recognizes that if our state wants to make an impact on climate change, we must get people out of their cars and into buses, trains, and on bikes. Additionally, she would do more to incentivize denser housing near our transit and city centers to decrease vehicle miles traveled.
John Bauters, Alameda County District Supervisor, District 5
John Bauters has a proven record for championing safe streets in the Bay Area. In 2020, John was the only member of the 22-person Alameda County Transportation Commission to vote against the widening of State Route 84. Simultaneously, through his ACTC leadership, he successfully reprogrammed those expansion funds for local street safety investments adjacent to the initial highway project proposals.
If he is elected to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, active transportation and public transportation funding will continue to be among Bauters’ top priorities. We hope that he will be able to fully implement Alameda County’s first Countywide Bikeways Plan, which envisions a 400-mile network of connected, safe bike routes throughout the county. Sanchez Sanchez2024-10-10 16:33:382024-10-10 16:34:13Bike the Vote in the November General Election
This was a good year for bike-friendly legislation in Sacramento. Not every bill CalBike supported passed, and many excellent ideas died in the legislature, but we achieved significant wins that show the value of our long-term strategy and set the table for safer, more equitable streets moving forward.
Complete Streets: A long road to victory
Senator Scott Wiener has stood by the promise of Complete Streets on Caltrans corridors for years, introducing bills in 2017, 2019, and 2024. Each time, CalBike stepped up as a sponsor and strong supporter of the legislation. We know state routes that serve as community main streets are often deadly for people biking and walking; CalBike has worked with Caltrans and campaigned for Complete Streets on these roads steadily for the past several years.
Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed the Complete Streets Bill in 2019, saying Caltrans should get a chance to live up to its own Complete Streets policies. When Senator Wiener introduced another Complete Streets Bill (SB 960) this year, we knew we had to show the governor that Caltrans needed more than internal policy directives to change decades of car-centric transportation planning.
So CalBike’s policy director, Jared Sanchez, requested project documents completed since the 2019 veto to fact-check Caltrans’ claims that it was devoting significant funds to biking and walking improvements. Our research demonstrated where Caltrans was falling short; the results of that investigation are in our report, Incomplete Streets: Aligning Practice with Promise in Caltrans Projects.
The loss in 2017 and veto in 2019 were discouraging, but CalBike never stopped pushing for access and safety on state routes because we know that building legislative support behind a good idea can take time. That’s why we will continue to work to decriminalize common, safe bike riding behaviors such as treating stop signs as yields. We will encourage Caltrans to adopt a quick-build pilot, a provision in a bill that died this year but is much needed. We’ll continue to fight freeway expansions that threaten our climate and our neighborhoods.
Whether we achieve these advances quickly or slowly, CalBike will not stop championing better biking. We celebrate 30 years of advocacy in 2024 and look forward to the next 30; we are in it for the long haul.
More reasons to celebrate
In this legislative session, we also supported the Transportation Accountability Act (AB 2086), along with our allies at the Greenlining Institute and Transform, which dovetails with our Complete Streets work. We co-sponsored a new law ensuring bridges remain toll-free for people biking and walking across them. We helped pass laws that will lead to safer bikeways and safer e-bikes.
Our work for next year and the years ahead
In the near term, we will be meeting with Caltrans to talk about the implications of the Complete Streets law and our suggestions for implementation. We’re still formulating our agenda for 2025, but we know we’ll be advocating for more funding for active transportation projects and a swift and just transition of our transportation systems to give every Californian the opportunity to choose biking as a safe and healthy mobility option. Ramsey Ramsey2024-10-07 16:11:452024-10-07 16:11:46CalBike ED Statement on 2024 Legislative Session
Governor Gavin Newsom has either signed or vetoed all 600 bills that made it to his desk this year. Nine of the bills CalBike supported made it to the governor’s desk — he signed seven and vetoed two. Another eight bills CalBike supported died in the legislature. In addition, two e-bike pilot measures we were watching became law, and one e-bike restriction died in the legislature.
Of course, the huge news from this legislative session is that Complete Streets on Caltrans corridors is now California law with the signing of SB 960, strengthening the mandate for Caltrans to update our state routes to serve all users when it does maintenance projects.
Here’s our legislative recap.
Complete Streets crosses the finish line
It took three tries, with bigger coalitions and campaigns each time, but Senator Scott Wiener’s Complete Streets Bill, SB 960, is now the law in California. This is a huge victory for advocates of safer streets and active transportation access. Caltrans maintains thousands of miles of state routes, many of which serve as community main streets. Because the agency has historically managed these roads with the goal of maximum motor vehicle throughput, they are among the most deadly streets for people walking and biking.
What will change now that the Complete Streets Bill is law?
The Complete Streets Bill was modified (watered down) during the legislative process, a common occurrence. But the final version includes a strong mandate requiring Caltrans to do a better job of using State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds to build much-needed bikeways, sidewalks, bus boarding islands, and more.
In addition, the scrutiny on Caltrans has ramped up since it fired Jeanie Ward-Waller last year. The campaign for the Complete Streets Bill and CalBike’s Incomplete Streets articles and report shone a light on trends and practices that fail to protect the safety of vulnerable road users. CalBike will continue to work with the agency and assess its progress to comply with state law and build Complete Streets wherever feasible.
Specifically, SB 960 will:
Require Caltrans to commit to four-year targets for adding Complete Streets improvements to state roadways.
Create policy for implementing transit-priority facilities and transit stops on state-controlled streets and highways.
Speed the process at Caltrans for granting permits to local governments or transit operators that want to build Complete Streets networks that encroach on or overlap with Caltrans rights of way.
More good news
Here are four more excellent bills that CalBike supported and the governor signed.
Transportation Accountability Act, AB 2086 (Schiavo): The transparency and reporting this new law mandates will help advocates like CalBike monitor progress on the Complete Streets law.
Banning Bridge Tolls for People Walking and Biking, AB 2669 (Ting): This makes permanent a measure that would have sunset next year, allowing toll-free crossings for people who walk or bike across toll bridges. It will have the biggest impact in the Bay Area, which has several toll bridges with bicycle and pedestrian lanes.
Bike Lanes in Coastal Areas, SB 689 (Blakespear): This new law limits the ability of the Coastal Commission to block the development of new bikeways on existing roads in coastal areas.
Limits on Class III Bikeways, SB 1216 (Blakespear): Class III bikeways are lanes shared by bike riders and car drivers. While they may be appropriate for neighborhood streets and in some other contexts, they are sometimes used in place of more protective infrastructure because the cost is much lower. This new law will limit the use of state funding to create Class III bikeways on high-speed routes.
E-bike bills roundup
E-bikes were on the minds of legislators, with a number of bills introduced to regulate or restrict e-bikes and e-bike riders.
CalBike supported two of these bills, which the governor signed. The E-Bike Modification Bill, AB 1774(Dixon), prohibits the sale of devices that can modify e-bikes to provide an electric boost beyond top speed limits that meet the definition of e-bikes. This addresses concerns about modified e-bikes that reportedly allow riders to go much faster than the 28 mph boost allowed under Class 3, the fastest classification of e-bikes.
The E-Bike Battery Safety Standards Bill, SB 1271 (Min), requires all e-bikes sold in California to have safety certifications for their batteries. This will help prevent most battery fires, since they are usually caused by substandard batteries. It also clarifies what can be advertised and sold as an e-bike, placing further guardrails on out-of-class two-wheel devices.
In addition, two bills we were watching became law. Both are local pilots to allow cities to add more age restrictions for riding an e-bike. State law already prohibits anyone under 16 from riding a Class 3 e-bike but places no restrictions on Class 1 and 2.
E-Bike Restrictions in Marin County, AB 1778 (Connolly): This bill would prohibit a person under 16 years of age from operating a Class 2 electric bicycle and require any person operating, or riding upon, a Class 2 electric bicycle to wear a helmet. This is a pilot for Marin County.
E-Bike Pilot Age Restrictions, AB 2234 (Boerner): This bill would create a pilot program in San Diego County that would prohibit a person under 12 years of age from operating an electric bicycle of any class.
Speed controls: vetoed
Governor Newsom vetoed two bills CalBike supported, and both addressed unsafe motor vehicle speeds. The Safer Vehicles Save Lives Bill, SB 961 (Wiener),was a companion to the Complete Streets Bill that would have required most cars, trucks, and buses sold in California to include passive intelligent speed assist (ISA) by 2030. Passive ISA gives drivers a signal when they exceed the speed limit by 10 miles per hour and can help prevent speed-related collisions, saving lives. The original version of the bill also required freight trucks to install sideguards, an inexpensive add-on that prevents people walking or bicycling from being dragged under the rear wheels in a collision. Sideguards not only save lives but also reduce drag, improving fuel efficiency. We hope both of these excellent safety measures become law in California and nationally.
The governor also vetoed the Unsafe Speed Penalties Bill, SB 1509 (Stern), which would have increased penalties for people caught speeding more than 25 mph over the speed limit on roads with speed limits of 55 mph or less. Speed is a significant factor in fatalities of vulnerable road users, so this is a regrettable veto.
Get the final results of all the bills CalBike was supporting or following on our legislative watch page. Sanchez Sanchez2024-10-07 16:05:022024-10-07 16:05:03Bike-Friendly Wins and Losses (but Mostly Wins) in 2024