California Bicycle Summit
The 2017 California Bicycle Summit is our biannual gathering of a diverse group of people from around the state—and around the world!— including bicycle advocates, planners, bicycle industry representatives, elected officials, and activists for racial, gender, and economic equity. In 2015 at our summit in San Diego participants shared their successes and challenges in promoting equity and community building through bicycling; planners and policymakers shared exciting changes afoot in the private and public sectors; and all of us participated in challenging discussions on how the bicycle advocacy movement can better include and benefit California’s diverse communities.
See the program and some video from the summit to see what it’s like!
Program At-A-Glance
Tuesday October 3: Youth Conference, Opening Reception
Wednesday October 4: Two plenaries, breakout sessions, the Open Streets Summit, the Better Bike Share Roundtable, Reception hosted by the City of Sacramento
Thursday October 5: One plenary, breakout sessions, the Better Bikeway Design Symposium and Throwdown, the Advocacy Open Space Conference, Dance Party & Auction at the California State Railroad Museum hosted by the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates
Friday October 6: Bike Tours in Sacramento and Davis, and a closing party in Davis to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first bike lane at the Davis Bicycle Hall of Fame